
See Olley name rankings, ethnicity, gender, statistics, meanings, facts, country data, similar names and more.

Learn about the name Olley. See how popular Olley is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Olley means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.


  1. How do you pronounce Olley?
  2. What ethnicity is the name Olley?
  3. What are similar names to Olley?
  4. What words does Olley rhyme with?

How to pronouce, type, and say Olley

See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Olley.

How to pronouce Olley

Olley ARPAbet pronounciation: AA1 L IY0

Olley IPA pronounciation: ˈɑli

How to spell and type Olley

Olley in readable ASCII: olley

Olley in hex: olley

What does Olley rhyme with?

English words that rhyme with Olley.

The name Olley rhymes with:

akali ali artale attali bakrewali
bali bengali bialy braly brolly
caccavale cali campanale canale caporale
cardinale casale casali colley collie
colly comunale curiale dali denatale
depascale depasquale dhali dinatale dipasquale
diwali dolley dollie dolly favale
folley folly fragale gahli gali
gambale generali ghali golly holley
hollie holly imperiale industriale industriali
internationale internationale jolley jollie jolly
kahley kamali keegali kigale kigali
kolli lavalle lolley lolli lolly
mali massingale mattikalli mccolley meridionale
mexicali micale molley mollie molly
murali natale natali nazionale nolie
nolley ollie olly oncale papale
parziale polley polly poly quilali
rolley rolli sahli scali sholly
smalley solley sollie solly somali
speziale spinale spitale stolley tolley
tringali trolley vitali vitaly volley
wholey zeoli zingale

What ethnicity is the name Olley?

Global data on the ethnicity of the name Olley.

What ethnicity is someone with the name Olley likely to be?

  • Olley has a 0.68% chance of being East Asian
  • Olley has a 0.47% chance of being Japanese
  • Olley has a 0.40% chance of being South Asian
  • Olley has a 0.72% chance of being African
  • Olley has a 0.29% chance of being Muslim
  • Olley has a 79.96% chance of being British
  • Olley has a 2.64% chance of being Eastern European
  • Olley has a 7.34% chance of being Jewish
  • Olley has a 2.05% chance of being French
  • Olley has a 0.53% chance of being Germanic
  • Olley has a 2.98% chance of being Hispanic
  • Olley has a 1.18% chance of being Italian
  • Olley has a 0.77% chance of being Nordic

What names are similar to the name Olley?

Find similar names to Olley.