
See Valdemar name rankings, ethnicity, gender, statistics, meanings, facts, country data, similar names and more.

Learn about the name Valdemar. See how popular Valdemar is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Valdemar means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.


  1. How do you pronounce Valdemar?
  2. How popular is the name Valdemar?
  3. In what countries is Valdemar popular?
  4. Is Valdemar a boys name?
  5. What ethnicity is the name Valdemar?
  6. What are similar names to Valdemar?
  7. What words does Valdemar rhyme with?

How to pronouce, type, and say Valdemar

See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Valdemar.

How to pronouce Valdemar

Valdemar ARPAbet pronounciation: V AA0 L D EY0 M AA1 R

Valdemar IPA pronounciation: vɑldeɪˈmɑr

How to spell and type Valdemar

Valdemar in readable ASCII: valdemar

Valdemar in hex: valdemar

What does Valdemar rhyme with?

English words that rhyme with Valdemar.

The name Valdemar rhymes with:

abattoir adar aer afar ahr
ajar algar all-star allar almanzar
almodovar alvare amar andujar aquilar
ar are avelar azar azhar
baar babar bahr bahre balakumar
baldemar baltazar bar bargar barr
barre bashar bazaar bazar bejar
belvoir bizarre bizarre bodnar bogar
bognar bomar bondar bonior boyar
car carr carre ceasar char
cigar cisar claar clar cotnoir
cousar csar csaszar czar d'ivoire
dakar dar dardar darr delamar
delebarre demar detar dinar disbar
dzhokhar dzokhar emdr fahr far
farquar farr farrar ferrar flohr
foobar gaar gahr gar ghafar
giroir giscard godar gohr gombar
gregoire guitar guizar haar hajjar
hamar har hekmatyar hocevar hr
hribar hribar huizar jabar jabbar
jaffar jahr jamar jar jiar
kadar kahr kahre karr kjar
kjar klar kumar labar lahr
lamar lamarr lamarr lar lebar
lemar lemarr maher mahr mar
marr mawr mcgarr meagher melgar
menjivar minnaar myanmar najar najjar
navar navarre nazar nmr npr
o'barr obar obarr our paar
paccar par parr pfarr phar
pharr pickar pintar pr preslar
qasr qatar quarre r r.
rajkumar renoir revoir ribar robar
saar sagar saldivar saldovar sar
scar schaar schar scharr shahar
sharar sharrar sitar skaar sklar
soutar spahr spar sphar spohr
staar star starr subpar superstar
tabar tar tarr tatar tesar
thar tokar tovar transtar tsar
tsar ulaanbaatar ulaanbaatar ussr victoire
voir wor wor yahr zachar
zadar zagar zalar zaldivar zarre

Where is the name Valdemar popular?

See what countries the name Valdemar is most popular in.

A person named Valdemar is likely from one of the following countries:

Can Valdemar be a boys name?

See where Valdemar is used as a boys name.

Valdemar is sometimes used as a boys name in the following countries:

Valdemar popularity by country

See how popular Valdemar is for boys or girls in 1 country data sets.

How popular is Valdemar in Denmark as a boys name?
In 2018 Valdemar was the 10th most popular boys name in Denmark.

Valdemar boys name rank in Denmark

What ethnicity is the name Valdemar?

Global data on the ethnicity of the name Valdemar.

What ethnicity is someone with the name Valdemar likely to be?

  • Valdemar has a 0.39% chance of being East Asian
  • Valdemar has a 1.43% chance of being Japanese
  • Valdemar has a 32.32% chance of being South Asian
  • Valdemar has a 4.69% chance of being African
  • Valdemar has a 6.31% chance of being Muslim
  • Valdemar has a 4.18% chance of being British
  • Valdemar has a 0.88% chance of being Eastern European
  • Valdemar has a 2.57% chance of being Jewish
  • Valdemar has a 1.44% chance of being French
  • Valdemar has a 7.74% chance of being Germanic
  • Valdemar has a 11.23% chance of being Hispanic
  • Valdemar has a 1.35% chance of being Italian
  • Valdemar has a 25.45% chance of being Nordic

Valdemar Probabilities

Gender, generation, birth year, and other predictions for the name Valdemar.

What is the most common profile of a person named Valdemar

Someone with the name Valdemar was most likely born in 2002.

Someone with the name Valdemar is most likely to be male.

Someone with the name Valdemar is most likely from this generation: Generation Z.

What names are similar to the name Valdemar?

Find similar names to Valdemar.