How to pronouce Tat
Tat ARPAbet pronounciation: T AE1 T
Tat IPA pronounciation: tæt
Learn about the name Tat. See how popular Tat is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Tat means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.
See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Tat.
Tat ARPAbet pronounciation: T AE1 T
Tat IPA pronounciation: tæt
Tat in readable ASCII: tat
Tat in hex: tat
English words that rhyme with Tat.
arnatt | at | at-bat | balyeat | bat |
batt | batte | begat | bhatt | biernat |
blatt | brat | bratt | cat | catt |
chat | combat | dat | delatte | deslatte |
elat | fat | flat | flatt | gat |
gatt | glatt | gnat | gujarat | hat |
hatt | hnat | inmarsat | jagt | kat |
katt | klatt | krat | kratt | labatt |
landsat | lat | mat | matt | matte |
mcnatt | nat | non-fat | nonfat | pat |
patt | platt | platte | pratt | pratte |
prevatt | prevatte | rat | rat-a-tat | ratte |
sadat | sarratt | sat | scat | schadt |
shatt | slaght | slat | spat | splat |
spratt | stat | that | tit-for-tat | tvsat |
vat |
Literal translations for the name Tat.
tat n 1: tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgar [syn: {cheapness}, {tackiness}, {tat}, {sleaze}] 2: a projective technique using black-and-white pictures; subjects tell a story about each picture [syn: {Thematic Apperception Test}, {TAT}] v 1: make lacework by knotting or looping [syn: {tat}, {intertwine}]
Tat /taːt/ <n, s> act, action, deed, feats
tat thief
tat 1. stern 2. poop 3. aft end
Global data on the ethnicity of the name Tat.
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