How to pronouce Tacker
Tacker ARPAbet pronounciation: T AE1 K ER0
Tacker IPA pronounciation: ˈtækər
Learn about the name Tacker. See how popular Tacker is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Tacker means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.
See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Tacker.
Tacker ARPAbet pronounciation: T AE1 K ER0
Tacker IPA pronounciation: ˈtækər
Tacker in readable ASCII: tacker
Tacker in hex: tacker
English words that rhyme with Tacker.
acker | aker | akre | attacker | backer |
bakker | blacker | bracher | bracker | cracker |
hacker | lacher | lacquer | macher | makar |
packer | racker | sacher | schacher | slacker |
stacker | thacher | thacker | thakkar | tracker |
vanacker | wacker | whacker | whacker | zacher |
Literal translations for the name Tacker.
tacker n 1: a worker who fastens things by tacking them (as with tacks or by spotwelding) 2: a sewer who fastens a garment with long loose stitches [syn: {baster}, {tacker}] 3: a hand-held machine for driving staples home [syn: {staple gun}, {staplegun}, {tacker}]
Global data on the ethnicity of the name Tacker.
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