How to pronouce Paca
Paca ARPAbet pronounciation: P AA1 K AH0
Paca IPA pronounciation: ˈpɑkə
Learn about the name Paca. See how popular Paca is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Paca means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.
See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Paca.
Paca ARPAbet pronounciation: P AA1 K AH0
Paca IPA pronounciation: ˈpɑkə
Paca in readable ASCII: paca
Paca in hex: paca
English words that rhyme with Paca.
ahsahka | aka | akaka | allocca | apodaca |
baka | bevalaqua | bevaqua | cdebaca | dhaka |
endaka | hamanaka | hosoka | kiyotaka | laplaca |
locka | luaka | lusaka | manjaca | menchaca |
misuraca | moussaka | osaka | petracca | rocca |
sadaka | shaka | straka | tabaka | tanaka |
yamanaka | yasutaka | yutaka |
Literal translations for the name Paca.
paca n 1: large burrowing rodent of South America and Central America; highly esteemed as food [syn: {paca}, {Cuniculus paca}]
paca 1. blob 2. splotch 3. blot 4. splodge 5. spot 6. smudge
Global data on the ethnicity of the name Paca.
Find similar names to Paca.