
See Moselle name rankings, ethnicity, gender, statistics, meanings, facts, country data, similar names and more.

Learn about the name Moselle. See how popular Moselle is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Moselle means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.


  1. How do you pronounce Moselle?
  2. What does Moselle mean?
  3. What ethnicity is the name Moselle?
  4. What are similar names to Moselle?
  5. What words does Moselle rhyme with?

How to pronouce, type, and say Moselle

See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Moselle.

How to pronouce Moselle

Moselle ARPAbet pronounciation: M OW0 Z EH1 L

Moselle IPA pronounciation: moʊˈzɛl

How to spell and type Moselle

Moselle in readable ASCII: moselle

Moselle in hex: moselle

What does Moselle rhyme with?

English words that rhyme with Moselle.

The name Moselle rhymes with:

abele accel adel adele adell
adelle adsl adwell afl ahnell
aix-la-chapelle aix-la-chapelle akel ancel anfal
angelle ansel antell antipersonnel anwell
aol apel ardelle arel armel
arnelle arvel atwell avenel axtell
bandshell bardell battelle bechtel bedel
befell behl bel bell belle
bendel beutel bignell bodell boutell
boutelle bozell bracknell brownell brunelle
bucknell burdell burrell buzzell cabell
cantrell cantrelle capelle carbonell carel
carmel carrasquel cartel carvel carvell
cattell caudell cavell cel cel
cell chanel chapell chapelle chappelle
chell clell clientele compel cordell
corel corell cornell cornelle cosell
cotelle cottrell danell danelle daniele
danielle danielle dantrell darnell darrelle
decelle del dell delle desselle
develle dispel dispell dovel dwell
dwelle edell ehle el ell
elle elwell esquibel esquivel estelle
excel expel ezell ezelle farewell
fascell faupel fehl fel fell
ferrel fidel foretell frel frenzel
futrell gabel gabriele garnell gazelle
gehl gel gell get-well get-well
ginnell giselle gravelle grell grelle
grinnell gsell guel harpel hehl
hell helle hillel hormel hornell
hotel html impel industrielle intel
irell isabell janelle jean-michel jean-michele
jeanmichele jell joelle kal kanell
kehl kell kjell knell kordell
krell l l. labell labelle
landell lapel lavelle leavelle ledwell
lehl lemelle leonelle lobell loisel
loiselle lyell lyondell mabelle madelle
mademoiselle mantell manuel marcantel marcel
marcelle markel martelle marvell marvelle
matell materiel mattel maxell maybelle
mckell mehl mel mell melle
mendell mentel michel michele michelle
miguel mindell mirabel mirell mirelle
misspell misspell mizel mizelle montel
montiel morel morrell motel mousel
mozelle nadel nel nell nelle
nepl nevel nfl niguel nobel
noel noelle nouvelle novell noxell
o'dell o'shell octel odell orabel
outsell ozelle pantel pastel patel
pehl pell pelle percell personnel
pesnell postrelle prell procell propel
purcell quel quell quesnel rachelle
rafael rampell randell rangel ransdell
raphael raphael raquel ravel rebel
repel resell retell revelle ridell
rintel riopel rochelle rochelle romelle
roussel roussell rousselle rozelle rudelle
ruelle sabel samelle sanmiguel savel
sawtelle schell schmehl schnell schnelle
scurdell sel sell selle sentelle
shamelle sharell sheftel shell shirell
shirelle shirrell shortell sibelle smell
snell spell sql stell stelle
stinel strehl strehle swell sydell
tavel tel tell torell twaddell
tyrrell udelle ul unsell unwell
url uzzell vandaele varvel vaupel
vertel wachtell waddell warrell weisel
well welle xml yell yelle
zel zell zelle zumel

What does the name Moselle mean?

Literal translations for the name Moselle.

What does Moselle mean in English?

Moselle n 1: German white wine from the Moselle valley or a similar wine made elsewhere

What does Moselle mean in French?

Moselle /mozɛl/ <n> Moselle

What ethnicity is the name Moselle?

Global data on the ethnicity of the name Moselle.

What ethnicity is someone with the name Moselle likely to be?

  • Moselle has a 1.35% chance of being East Asian
  • Moselle has a 0.34% chance of being Japanese
  • Moselle has a 2.80% chance of being South Asian
  • Moselle has a 2.47% chance of being African
  • Moselle has a 1.55% chance of being Muslim
  • Moselle has a 34.37% chance of being British
  • Moselle has a 0.83% chance of being Eastern European
  • Moselle has a 19.39% chance of being Jewish
  • Moselle has a 14.24% chance of being French
  • Moselle has a 2.52% chance of being Germanic
  • Moselle has a 4.22% chance of being Hispanic
  • Moselle has a 10.17% chance of being Italian
  • Moselle has a 5.76% chance of being Nordic

Moselle Probabilities

Gender, generation, birth year, and other predictions for the name Moselle.

What is the most common profile of a person named Moselle

Someone with the name Moselle was most likely born in 2012.

Someone with the name Moselle is most likely from this generation: Generation Z.

What names are similar to the name Moselle?

Find similar names to Moselle.