How to pronouce Mab
Mab ARPAbet pronounciation: M AE1 B
Mab IPA pronounciation: mæb
Learn about the name Mab. See how popular Mab is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Mab means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.
See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Mab.
Mab ARPAbet pronounciation: M AE1 B
Mab IPA pronounciation: mæb
Mab in readable ASCII: mab
Mab in hex: mab
English words that rhyme with Mab.
ab | bab | babb | blab | cab |
colab | crab | crabb | crabbe | dab |
drab | fab | flab | gab | glab |
grab | grabbe | jab | knab | knabb |
krabbe | lab | labbe | macnab | mcnab |
mcnabb | nab | nabb | prab | prefab |
rab | rabb | sabb | scab | schab |
slab | stab | tab | tabb |
Literal translations for the name Mab.
mab <n, s, m> son
Global data on the ethnicity of the name Mab.
Find similar names to Mab.