How to pronouce Lund
Lund ARPAbet pronounciation: L AH1 N D
Lund IPA pronounciation: lənd
Learn about the name Lund. See how popular Lund is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Lund means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.
See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Lund.
Lund ARPAbet pronounciation: L AH1 N D
Lund IPA pronounciation: lənd
Lund in readable ASCII: lund
Lund in hex: lund
English words that rhyme with Lund.
almelund | bund | bunde | defund | dunned |
fund | grund | gunned | hund | kunde |
lunde | mund | pfund | refund | rotund |
rund | runde | schlund | shunned | stunned |
sund | sunde | superfund | tunde | und |
Literal translations for the name Lund.
Lund n 1: a city in southern Sweden
lund <n> manner
Lund might have an unexpected meaning in another language.
Global data on the ethnicity of the name Lund.
Find similar names to Lund.