
See Klas name rankings, ethnicity, gender, statistics, meanings, facts, country data, similar names and more.

Learn about the name Klas. See how popular Klas is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Klas means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.


  1. How do you pronounce Klas?
  2. What does Klas mean?
  3. What ethnicity is the name Klas?
  4. What are similar names to Klas?
  5. What words does Klas rhyme with?

How to pronouce, type, and say Klas

See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Klas.

How to pronouce Klas

Klas ARPAbet pronounciation: K L AE1 S

Klas IPA pronounciation: klæs

How to spell and type Klas

Klas in readable ASCII: klas

Klas in hex: klas

What does Klas rhyme with?

English words that rhyme with Klas.

The name Klas rhymes with:

alas alsace amass ass bass
basse blass bras brass cas
cass chasse class contrasts crass
crevasse das dass depass fahs
fass first-class forecasts gas gass
glas glass gras grass grasse
harass hass impasse jas jass
kass klass kras krass lambastes
lass last mass mass. masse
middle-class morass nass outlasts pass
plas plass plasse ras repass
sas sass sasse smartass surpass
tass umass vanasse vass yass

What does the name Klas mean?

Literal translations for the name Klas.

What does Klas mean in Khasi?

klas <n, f> class, school class

What does Klas mean in Afrikaans?

klas class

What does Klas mean in Croatian?

klas ear, ear of corn

What does Klas mean in Dutch?

klas /klɑs/ class

What ethnicity is the name Klas?

Global data on the ethnicity of the name Klas.

What ethnicity is someone with the name Klas likely to be?

  • Klas has a 0.92% chance of being East Asian
  • Klas has a 0.40% chance of being Japanese
  • Klas has a 0.51% chance of being South Asian
  • Klas has a 0.36% chance of being African
  • Klas has a 0.74% chance of being Muslim
  • Klas has a 14.73% chance of being British
  • Klas has a 4.11% chance of being Eastern European
  • Klas has a 7.20% chance of being Jewish
  • Klas has a 0.80% chance of being French
  • Klas has a 25.54% chance of being Germanic
  • Klas has a 0.73% chance of being Hispanic
  • Klas has a 2.27% chance of being Italian
  • Klas has a 41.70% chance of being Nordic

What names are similar to the name Klas?

Find similar names to Klas.