
See Jules name rankings, ethnicity, gender, statistics, meanings, facts, country data, similar names and more.

Learn about the name Jules. See how popular Jules is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Jules means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.


  1. How do you pronounce Jules?
  2. How popular is the name Jules?
  3. In what countries is Jules popular?
  4. Is Jules a boys name?
  5. What ethnicity is the name Jules?
  6. What are similar names to Jules?
  7. What words does Jules rhyme with?

How to pronouce, type, and say Jules

See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Jules.

How to pronouce Jules

Jules ARPAbet pronounciation: JH UW1 L Z

Jules IPA pronounciation: Κ€ulz

How to spell and type Jules

Jules in readable ASCII: jules

Jules in hex: jules

What does Jules rhyme with?

English words that rhyme with Jules.

The name Jules rhymes with:

baiul's cools drogoul's dromgooles fool's
fools ghouls jewels joules mavroules
mules pool's pools preschools rauls
rule's rules school's schools schools'
soules stools tools uhls

Where is the name Jules popular?

See what countries the name Jules is most popular in.

Can Jules be a boys name?

See where Jules is used as a boys name.

Jules popularity by country

See how popular Jules is for boys or girls in 5 country data sets.

How popular is Jules in Netherlands as a boys name?
In 2019 Jules was the 211th most popular boys name in Netherlands.

Jules boys name rank in Netherlands

How popular is Jules in France as a boys name?
In 2018 Jules was the 8th most popular boys name in France.

Jules boys name rank in France

How popular is Jules in Switzerland as a boys name?
In 2016 Jules was the 98th most popular boys name in Switzerland.

Jules boys name rank in Switzerland

How popular is Jules in Belgium as a boys name?
In 2018 Jules was the 7th most popular boys name in Belgium.

Jules boys name rank in Belgium

How popular is Jules in United States as a boys name?
In 1961 Jules was the 996th most popular boys name in United States.

Jules boys name rank in United States

What ethnicity is the name Jules?

Global data on the ethnicity of the name Jules.

What ethnicity is someone with the name Jules likely to be?

  • Jules has a 0.65% chance of being East Asian
  • Jules has a 0.54% chance of being Japanese
  • Jules has a 0.63% chance of being South Asian
  • Jules has a 1.45% chance of being African
  • Jules has a 0.25% chance of being Muslim
  • Jules has a 18.75% chance of being British
  • Jules has a 0.07% chance of being Eastern European
  • Jules has a 6.19% chance of being Jewish
  • Jules has a 49.88% chance of being French
  • Jules has a 0.23% chance of being Germanic
  • Jules has a 19.75% chance of being Hispanic
  • Jules has a 1.44% chance of being Italian
  • Jules has a 0.18% chance of being Nordic

Jules Probabilities

Gender, generation, birth year, and other predictions for the name Jules.

What is the most common profile of a person named Jules

Someone with the name Jules was most likely born in 2015.

Someone with the name Jules is most likely to be male.

Someone with the name Jules is most likely from this generation: Baby Boomers.

What names are similar to the name Jules?

Find similar names to Jules.