
See Jule name rankings, ethnicity, gender, statistics, meanings, facts, country data, similar names and more.

Learn about the name Jule. See how popular Jule is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Jule means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.


  1. How do you pronounce Jule?
  2. How popular is the name Jule?
  3. In what countries is Jule popular?
  4. Is Jule a girls name?
  5. Is Jule a boys name?
  6. What ethnicity is the name Jule?
  7. What are similar names to Jule?
  8. What words does Jule rhyme with?

How to pronouce, type, and say Jule

See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Jule.

How to pronouce Jule

Jule ARPAbet pronounciation: JH UW1 L

Jule IPA pronounciation: ʤul

How to spell and type Jule

Jule in readable ASCII: jule

Jule in hex: jule

What does Jule rhyme with?

English words that rhyme with Jule.

The name Jule rhymes with:

abdul apostolopoul baiul bellefeuille boole
boule bruehl brule buehl buel
buhl cool coole cruel drogoul
drool dual duell duell dule
dzhambul fool fuel ghoul gurule
home-school hoole istanbul jewel joule
juel kool kreul kurnool luelle
makhoul mccool misrule muehl mule
nepool o'toole old-school pool poole
poul preschool rahul rantoul raoul
raul retool reul reule rhule
ruel ruhul rule school schuele
spool sproule sproull spruell spruiell
spruill stool supercool tool toole
tuel tuell tuyle uncool vipul
who'll you'll yuill yuille yule

Where is the name Jule popular?

See what countries the name Jule is most popular in.

A person named Jule is likely from one of the following countries:

Can Jule be a girls name?

See where Jule is used as a girls name.

Jule is sometimes used as a girls name in the following countries:

Can Jule be a boys name?

See where Jule is used as a boys name.

Jule is sometimes used as a boys name in the following countries:

Jule popularity by country

See how popular Jule is for boys or girls in 3 country data sets.

How popular is Jule in Netherlands as a girls name?
In 2019 Jule was the 371st most popular girls name in Netherlands.

Jule girls name rank in Netherlands

How popular is Jule in United States as a girls name?
In 1919 Jule was the 974th most popular girls name in United States.

Jule girls name rank in United States

How popular is Jule in United States as a boys name?
In 1908 Jule was the 989th most popular boys name in United States.

Jule boys name rank in United States

What ethnicity is the name Jule?

Global data on the ethnicity of the name Jule.

What ethnicity is someone with the name Jule likely to be?

  • Jule has a 0.94% chance of being East Asian
  • Jule has a 1.51% chance of being Japanese
  • Jule has a 1.13% chance of being South Asian
  • Jule has a 4.20% chance of being African
  • Jule has a 1.09% chance of being Muslim
  • Jule has a 36.21% chance of being British
  • Jule has a 0.28% chance of being Eastern European
  • Jule has a 5.73% chance of being Jewish
  • Jule has a 34.87% chance of being French
  • Jule has a 0.33% chance of being Germanic
  • Jule has a 9.14% chance of being Hispanic
  • Jule has a 3.98% chance of being Italian
  • Jule has a 0.59% chance of being Nordic

Jule Probabilities

Gender, generation, birth year, and other predictions for the name Jule.

What is the most common profile of a person named Jule

Someone with the name Jule was most likely born in 1960.

Someone with the name Jule is most likely from this generation: Baby Boomers.

What names are similar to the name Jule?

Find similar names to Jule.