How to pronouce Frech
Frech ARPAbet pronounciation: F R EH1 K
Frech IPA pronounciation: frɛk
Learn about the name Frech. See how popular Frech is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Frech means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.
See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Frech.
Frech ARPAbet pronounciation: F R EH1 K
Frech IPA pronounciation: frɛk
Frech in readable ASCII: frech
Frech in hex: frech
English words that rhyme with Frech.
baek | bec | beck | bedeck | blech |
bleck | bo-shek | breck | brekke | cech |
check | chek | cheque | creque | czech |
dec | dech | deck | dehecq | domecq |
dweck | eck | ek | exec | feck |
fleck | freck | geck | golombek | grech |
heck | high-tech | jech | keck | kleck |
krech | labrecque | lech | leck | lek |
low-tech | macek | mcpeck | mech | meck |
nec | neck | nobec | pech | peck |
polytech | prestech | quebec | quek | rec |
receptech | rech | recheck | reck | scheck |
schmeck | schneck | schreck | sec | seck |
sheck | shek | shreck | shrek | spec |
speck | stec | stech | steck | streck |
svec | szczech | tec | tech | teck |
tek | trek | vanek | vanhecke | vanvleck |
weck | wnek | wreck | yeck | zech |
zeck |
Literal translations for the name Frech.
frech /frɛç/ barefaced, bold, cheekily, cheeky, impudent, insolent, insulting, insultingly, perkily, ribald, sassy, saucily, saucy
Global data on the ethnicity of the name Frech.
Find similar names to Frech.