
See Clare name rankings, ethnicity, gender, statistics, meanings, facts, country data, similar names and more.

Learn about the name Clare. See how popular Clare is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Clare means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.


  1. How do you pronounce Clare?
  2. How popular is the name Clare?
  3. In what countries is Clare popular?
  4. Is Clare a girls name?
  5. Is Clare a boys name?
  6. What ethnicity is the name Clare?
  7. What are similar names to Clare?
  8. What words does Clare rhyme with?

How to pronouce, type, and say Clare

See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Clare.

How to pronouce Clare

Clare ARPAbet pronounciation: K L EH1 R

Clare IPA pronounciation: klɛr

How to spell and type Clare

Clare in readable ASCII: clare

Clare in hex: clare

What does Clare rhyme with?

English words that rhyme with Clare.

The name Clare rhymes with:

abair adair adaire adare addair
aer affair air alair allaire
almaguer altair astaire auclair aware
ayre baehr baer bahr bair
bancaire bare bear beaufrere behr
belair belair belaire bellemare beware
bezaire billionaire blair blare boisclair
buenos-aires caire canadair care chair
cher clair claire coderre comair
compare concessionaire convair corriere dare
darr debonair declare delair derr
despair dispair disrepair doctrinaire dreher
eau-claire ensnare ere err euromobiliare
eyre fair faire fare fehr
fer ferre finnair flair flare
forswear foursquare fraire frere freyre
frontiere gair gare gehr geniere
gisclair glare glenayre guerre hair
haire hairr hare hehr heir
herr herre icelandair impair javier
jean-pierre jeanpierre kahre kehr kenmare
khmer klare knerr kreher lair
lare larosiere laterriere laware leclaire
lefrere lehr lemaire macnair mair
maire mare maxicare mcnair mehr
mer microware midair millionaire moliere
montclair multimillionaire multimillionaire nair nationair
ne'er o'hair o'hare ohair ohare
opere pair pare pear pentair
pershare phair pierre pitiesalpetriere plair
praxair prayer prepare questionnaire rare
reher repair santerre sare sayre
scare schehr scherr sehr serr
share sherr sinclair skare snare
solitaire spare square st-clair st-claire
st-pierre stair stare stehr sterr
swear swissair takecare tear terre
their there they're traer trosclair
unaware unfair unfair unfair usair
voltaire ware wear wehr werre
westair where where whitehair whitehair

Where is the name Clare popular?

See what countries the name Clare is most popular in.

Can Clare be a girls name?

See where Clare is used as a girls name.

Can Clare be a boys name?

See where Clare is used as a boys name.

Clare is sometimes used as a boys name in the following countries:

Clare popularity by country

See how popular Clare is for boys or girls in 4 country data sets.

How popular is Clare in United States as a girls name?
In 2018 Clare was the 759th most popular girls name in United States.

Clare girls name rank in United States

How popular is Clare in Australia as a girls name?
In 1989 Clare was the 87th most popular girls name in Australia.

Clare girls name rank in Australia

How popular is Clare in United Kingdom as a girls name?
In 2001 Clare was the 444th most popular girls name in United Kingdom.

Clare girls name rank in United Kingdom

How popular is Clare in United States as a boys name?
In 1941 Clare was the 973rd most popular boys name in United States.

Clare boys name rank in United States

What ethnicity is the name Clare?

Global data on the ethnicity of the name Clare.

What ethnicity is someone with the name Clare likely to be?

  • Clare has a 0.86% chance of being East Asian
  • Clare has a 0.53% chance of being Japanese
  • Clare has a 0.93% chance of being South Asian
  • Clare has a 0.82% chance of being African
  • Clare has a 0.29% chance of being Muslim
  • Clare has a 46.29% chance of being British
  • Clare has a 0.07% chance of being Eastern European
  • Clare has a 3.54% chance of being Jewish
  • Clare has a 15.24% chance of being French
  • Clare has a 0.16% chance of being Germanic
  • Clare has a 9.13% chance of being Hispanic
  • Clare has a 20.90% chance of being Italian
  • Clare has a 1.23% chance of being Nordic

Clare Probabilities

Gender, generation, birth year, and other predictions for the name Clare.

What is the most common profile of a person named Clare

Someone with the name Clare was most likely born in 1998.

Someone with the name Clare is most likely to be female.

Someone with the name Clare is most likely from this generation: Generation Z.

What names are similar to the name Clare?

Find similar names to Clare.