How to pronouce Boak
Boak ARPAbet pronounciation: B OW1 K
Boak IPA pronounciation: boʊk
Learn about the name Boak. See how popular Boak is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Boak means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.
See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Boak.
Boak ARPAbet pronounciation: B OW1 K
Boak IPA pronounciation: boʊk
Boak in readable ASCII: boak
Boak in hex: boak
English words that rhyme with Boak.
awoke | baroque | bespoke | bloke | boake |
boeck | boeke | bouck | broke | choke |
cloak | cloke | cocke | coke | convoke |
croak | croke | doak | doke | droke |
evoke | evoke | folk | goecke | goeke |
gohlke | hoak | hoeck | hoek | hoke |
invoke | joke | knoke | koch | koke |
kolk | larocque | laroque | misspoke | misspoke |
moacq | moak | moke | noack | oak |
olk | poke | polk | provoke | revoke |
revoke | roque | schmoke | schoeck | schroeck |
smoak | smoke | snoke | soak | spoke |
stoke | stroke | szoke | woke | wolk |
wouk | yoak | yoke | yolk |
Global data on the ethnicity of the name Boak.
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