
See Albertine name rankings, ethnicity, gender, statistics, meanings, facts, country data, similar names and more.

Learn about the name Albertine. See how popular Albertine is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Albertine means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.


  1. How do you pronounce Albertine?
  2. How popular is the name Albertine?
  3. In what countries is Albertine popular?
  4. Is Albertine a girls name?
  5. What ethnicity is the name Albertine?
  6. What are similar names to Albertine?
  7. What words does Albertine rhyme with?

How to pronouce, type, and say Albertine

See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Albertine.

How to pronouce Albertine

Albertine ARPAbet pronounciation: AE1 L B ER0 T IY2 N

Albertine IPA pronounciation: ˈælbərˌtin

How to spell and type Albertine

Albertine in readable ASCII: albertine

Albertine in hex: albertine

What does Albertine rhyme with?

English words that rhyme with Albertine.

The name Albertine rhymes with:

aberdeen abilene acetylene acrolein adenine
adenosine algemene alkene allene amphetamine
aniline antisubmarine antisubmarine apennine ardene
argentine arlene aronstein aubergine augustine
augustine azidothymidine azidothymidine balanchine bartlestein
bergstein biocine boeschenstein borenstein brandenstein
braunstein brillstein bromine bronstein brownstein
buckstein buprenorphine burnstein byzantine caesarean
calgene carlene carotene celimene chimerine
chloroprene clementine clonidine constantine contravene
cooperstein copper-green crumrine cyanazine cyclosporine
darleen darlene dobberstein dramamine dryclean
duberstein eckstein edelstein egbertine elbertine
eleen elephantine ellene emerine eocene
epstein ernestine ethene ethylene europeenne
evaleen evergreen feinstein feuerstein fierstein
finkelstein fleckenstein florentine fluorine fluorine
frankenstein fromstein gabardine gasoline georgene
gladstein glickstein glucosamine glycine goberstein
gold-green goldenstein goldstein goodstein grabenstein
grassgreen greenstein grinstein grubstein grudenstein
guanine guillotine guillotine hammerstein hartenstein
hartstein heseltine hexachlorophene histamine histidine
holstein hornstein hydrazine hygiene imogene
internecine isoprinosine jayewardene josephine kathlene
kerosene konstantin labyrinthine libertine lichtenstein
limousine lipstein listerine lowenstein magazine
magdalene mangosteen marlene maybelline mcelveen
mcilveen mcilveen melamine mescaline methazine
methylene mezzanine millstein milstein miocene
monagene mujahadeen murine muscatine naphthalene
neoprene neoprene newsmagazine nicotine nothstein
nutriclean oligocene olivine on-screen oncogene
opaline orange-green orlene osteen overseen
paleocene pearlstein pentamidine peregrine pfundstein
philippine philistine phillipine plasticine pleistocene
pliocene polyacetylene polybutylene polyethylene polypropylene
polystyrene protein prunskiene pyroxene quarantine
ramstein rosenstein rubinstein rutstein safferstein
schottenstein scopolamine scopolamine sharlene silberstein
silverstein smokescreen soybean springsteen stufflebean
styrene submarine subroutine susswein texstyrene
thymidine toluene tourmaline undine valentin
valvoline vanderveen vaseline velveteen viagene
vitarine vogelstein walgreen wallenstein wallerstein
wasserstein weinstein wetstein wettergreen wintergreen
wintersteen winterstein zumstein

Where is the name Albertine popular?

See what countries the name Albertine is most popular in.

A person named Albertine is likely from one of the following countries:

Can Albertine be a girls name?

See where Albertine is used as a girls name.

Albertine is sometimes used as a girls name in the following countries:

Albertine popularity by country

See how popular Albertine is for boys or girls in 2 country data sets.

How popular is Albertine in France as a girls name?
In 1957 Albertine was the 483rd most popular girls name in France.

Albertine girls name rank in France

How popular is Albertine in United States as a girls name?
In 1925 Albertine was the 944th most popular girls name in United States.

Albertine girls name rank in United States

What ethnicity is the name Albertine?

Global data on the ethnicity of the name Albertine.

What ethnicity is someone with the name Albertine likely to be?

  • Albertine has a 0.98% chance of being East Asian
  • Albertine has a 0.26% chance of being Japanese
  • Albertine has a 0.79% chance of being South Asian
  • Albertine has a 1.82% chance of being African
  • Albertine has a 1.16% chance of being Muslim
  • Albertine has a 51.80% chance of being British
  • Albertine has a 0.85% chance of being Eastern European
  • Albertine has a 6.94% chance of being Jewish
  • Albertine has a 20.09% chance of being French
  • Albertine has a 1.56% chance of being Germanic
  • Albertine has a 4.76% chance of being Hispanic
  • Albertine has a 7.77% chance of being Italian
  • Albertine has a 1.22% chance of being Nordic

Albertine Probabilities

Gender, generation, birth year, and other predictions for the name Albertine.

What is the most common profile of a person named Albertine

Someone with the name Albertine was most likely born in 1948.

Someone with the name Albertine is most likely to be female.

Someone with the name Albertine is most likely from this generation: Baby Boomers.

What names are similar to the name Albertine?

Find similar names to Albertine.