
See Žaneta name rankings, ethnicity, gender, statistics, meanings, facts, country data, similar names and more.

Learn about the name Žaneta. See how popular Žaneta is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Žaneta means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.


  1. How do you pronounce Žaneta?
  2. How popular is the name Žaneta?
  3. In what countries is Žaneta popular?
  4. Is Žaneta a girls name?
  5. What ethnicity is the name Žaneta?
  6. What are similar names to Žaneta?
  7. What words does Žaneta rhyme with?

How to pronouce, type, and say Žaneta

See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Žaneta.

How to pronouce Žaneta

Žaneta ARPAbet pronounciation: Z AA0 N EH1 T AH0

Žaneta IPA pronounciation: žənɛtə

How to spell and type Žaneta

Žaneta in readable ASCII: zaneta

Žaneta in hex: \xc5\xbeaneta

What does Žaneta rhyme with?

English words that rhyme with Žaneta.

The name Žaneta rhymes with:

accetta agneta aleta alpharetta ancheta
archuleta archuletta areta aretta armetta
auletta barletta barretta beretta betta
brunetta buzzetta cappetta carretta cassetta
cerreta ceta chiappetta chiavetta coletta
colletta coretta d'genetta damietta etta
gazeta guzzetta henrietta huetta iretta
jacquetta jetta joletta julietta keta
lameta lauretta lavetta leneta leota
leta loleta loretta lunetta maietta
marchetta maretta margareta marietta mehta
mete mistretta nabretta netta nicoletta
noleta operetta palometa panetta pauletta
perretta pinetta porretta profeta reta
rosetta simonetta societa teta vedetta
vendetta verneta veta violeta violeta
violetta voleta yetta zazueta

Where is the name Žaneta popular?

See what countries the name Žaneta is most popular in.

A person named Žaneta is likely from one of the following countries:

Can Žaneta be a girls name?

See where Žaneta is used as a girls name.

Žaneta is sometimes used as a girls name in the following countries:

Žaneta popularity by country

See how popular Žaneta is for boys or girls in 1 country data sets.

How popular is Žaneta in Czechia as a girls name?
In 2007 Žaneta was the 91st most popular girls name in Czechia.

Žaneta girls name rank in Czechia

What ethnicity is the name Žaneta?

Global data on the ethnicity of the name Žaneta.

What ethnicity is someone with the name Žaneta likely to be?

  • Žaneta has a 0.72% chance of being East Asian
  • Žaneta has a 41.72% chance of being Japanese
  • Žaneta has a 0.11% chance of being South Asian
  • Žaneta has a 8.74% chance of being African
  • Žaneta has a 1.42% chance of being Muslim
  • Žaneta has a 2.14% chance of being British
  • Žaneta has a 2.69% chance of being Eastern European
  • Žaneta has a 2.34% chance of being Jewish
  • Žaneta has a 8.43% chance of being French
  • Žaneta has a 0.48% chance of being Germanic
  • Žaneta has a 20.41% chance of being Hispanic
  • Žaneta has a 10.59% chance of being Italian
  • Žaneta has a 0.22% chance of being Nordic

Žaneta Probabilities

Gender, generation, birth year, and other predictions for the name Žaneta.

What is the most common profile of a person named Žaneta

Someone with the name Žaneta was most likely born in 1987.

Someone with the name Žaneta is most likely to be female.

Someone with the name Žaneta is most likely from this generation: Millenials.

What names are similar to the name Žaneta?

Find similar names to Žaneta.