
See Žan name rankings, ethnicity, gender, statistics, meanings, facts, country data, similar names and more.

Learn about the name Žan. See how popular Žan is in countries all over the world and whether it is used as a girls name or a boys name. Discover what Žan means in other languages and if it has any negative meanings.


  1. How do you pronounce Žan?
  2. How popular is the name Žan?
  3. In what countries is Žan popular?
  4. Is Žan a boys name?
  5. What ethnicity is the name Žan?
  6. What are similar names to Žan?
  7. What words does Žan rhyme with?

How to pronouce, type, and say Žan

See how to say, spell, type, and pronounce Žan.

How to pronouce Žan

Žan ARPAbet pronounciation: Z AE1 N

Žan IPA pronounciation: žæn

How to spell and type Žan

Žan in readable ASCII: zan

Žan in hex: \xc5\xbean

What does Žan rhyme with?

English words that rhyme with Žan.

The name Žan rhymes with:

ahn an ane ann anne
ariane bahn ban banh bann
beagan beaudin began began bhutan
blan blann boivin bouman bourquin
bousman boutin bran brann caen
cahn can cann cannes carryanne
catamaran cezanne chan chapin chauvin
clan couchman cruzan cspan cyan
dahn dan dann deguzman deignan
diahann diane dianne divan doran
duan duignan dupin duran dyan
dyane fan fann fayanne flan
flann fran gahn gan gann
gaudin gaulin gauvain gauvin gayman
georgann geurin glahn gloriane gnann
grahn gran han hann harmattan
harpin intertan iran jaan jahn
jan jan. jann japan joann
joanne jourdan kan kann kanne
kazakhstan kellyanne klahn klan klann
krahn lahn lan lann lapan
lappin lausanne leann liane lianne
liliane louanne loudin lucianne lyanne
lyanne macmahon mactan mahn man
mann manne marianne maryann maryanne
maupin mcan mccahan mccan mccann
mcfann mcgann mchan mcmahon mcmann
mcshan minivan moisan moran moulin
nan one-man outman outran overran
pan pecan petain phan plan
poulin pran quillman rahn ran
ranh rann rattan rodin rosanne
roseanne roussin roxanne ruth-ann ruth-anne
ruthann san san-fran saran scan
sedan shan soloman span spann
spokane stan stann sudan susann
susanne suzanne tan tann than
thanh toussaint tran van vann
vantran voisin wenfan whan whan
yahn yan zahn

Where is the name Žan popular?

See what countries the name Žan is most popular in.

A person named Žan is likely from one of the following countries:

Can Žan be a boys name?

See where Žan is used as a boys name.

Žan is sometimes used as a boys name in the following countries:

Žan popularity by country

See how popular Žan is for boys or girls in 1 country data sets.

How popular is Žan in Slovenia as a boys name?
In 2018 Žan was the 6th most popular boys name in Slovenia.

Žan boys name rank in Slovenia

What ethnicity is the name Žan?

Global data on the ethnicity of the name Žan.

What ethnicity is someone with the name Žan likely to be?

  • Žan has a 72.97% chance of being East Asian
  • Žan has a 3.19% chance of being Japanese
  • Žan has a 0.63% chance of being South Asian
  • Žan has a 0.15% chance of being African
  • Žan has a 1.32% chance of being Muslim
  • Žan has a 1.47% chance of being British
  • Žan has a 6.89% chance of being Eastern European
  • Žan has a 1.24% chance of being Jewish
  • Žan has a 5.27% chance of being French
  • Žan has a 1.19% chance of being Germanic
  • Žan has a 3.12% chance of being Hispanic
  • Žan has a 0.89% chance of being Italian
  • Žan has a 1.66% chance of being Nordic

Žan Probabilities

Gender, generation, birth year, and other predictions for the name Žan.

What is the most common profile of a person named Žan

Someone with the name Žan was most likely born in 2006.

Someone with the name Žan is most likely to be male.

Someone with the name Žan is most likely from this generation: Generation Z.

What names are similar to the name Žan?

Find similar names to Žan.